Thursday, December 14, 2006

Making Room for Baby...

As you may or may not know, my beautiful wife and I are expecting our first child. As a result, we've been cleaning out closets and guest rooms and last weekend we tackled the garage...all in an attempt to make room for baby!

We were able to throw away a ton of junk as well as take a load of stuff over to Goodwill. The things that were left were consolidated, organized and put back in an orderly fashion. We now have a clean, uncluttered garage so that I can set up my cycling workshop/training center... with just one minor obstruction...

...a 6ft long practice bar from my days as a competitive flair bartender (cough, cough, 5th place at the 2003 world Bartending Championships, cough, cough).

I need to find a good home for this georgous piece of American craftsmanship so that I can move forward with my garage makeover. By going to, you'll be able to find out all the pertinent information regarding the bar. I'm throwing in a few extras to get you started with your dream of being a bartender. Perfect for home parties, flair bartending practice or just to setting your TV on, this bar is a steal!

***click on image for larger view

1 comment:

5count said...

The bar is SOLD...
but the Hockey/Bartenders equipment bag is still for sale.
(as of 2-23)