Tuesday, May 22, 2007

It was the Summer of '92...

click on image to view large version

I totally bogarted this image from another cyclists blog (and can't remember who's), but it's such a classic image I had to share it with you.

I know that from right to left they are: George Hincapie (nice hair), Lance Armstrong (looking thrilled to be riding Performance bikes) and Bobby Julich...but can anyone tell me who the 4th guy in the picture is?


Anonymous said...

Jeff Evanshine...Haven't a clue who he is? The picture is part of a series done for the 1992 Olympics.
Just send my winnings to my Swiss bank account.


5count said...

Jeff Evanshine, former US Jr. National Champion...very good Scott.

Anonymous said...

I think you are both wrong. It's Elvis Presley.