Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Back in Black...

The Discovery channel pro cycling team just put out there kit design for the 2007 season. You can check it out at ThePaceline.com.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Making Room for Baby...

As you may or may not know, my beautiful wife and I are expecting our first child. As a result, we've been cleaning out closets and guest rooms and last weekend we tackled the garage...all in an attempt to make room for baby!

We were able to throw away a ton of junk as well as take a load of stuff over to Goodwill. The things that were left were consolidated, organized and put back in an orderly fashion. We now have a clean, uncluttered garage so that I can set up my cycling workshop/training center... with just one minor obstruction...

...a 6ft long practice bar from my days as a competitive flair bartender (cough, cough, 5th place at the 2003 world Bartending Championships, cough, cough).

I need to find a good home for this georgous piece of American craftsmanship so that I can move forward with my garage makeover. By going to www.5count.com/bar, you'll be able to find out all the pertinent information regarding the bar. I'm throwing in a few extras to get you started with your dream of being a bartender. Perfect for home parties, flair bartending practice or just to setting your TV on, this bar is a steal!

***click on image for larger view

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Ben Brew follow-up

Some of you may remember a couple of posts here on 5count pertaining to Joe Brew's little brother, Ben. (if not, you can check 'em out here) Well, the Gainesville Sun ran a story on Ben today on the front page of the sports section.

Ben is now in remission of his T-cell Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia that he was diagnosed with on September 8th of 2005. Ben has regained a lot of strength (and hair) and is now getting himself ready to rejoin his varsity soccer team at GHS. You can read the Sun's article here, and you can see Ben in action at Citizens Field on January 20th, as GHS takes on Tallahassee Leon for the teams "Senior Night".

It was just a matter of time though, wasn't it?

Monday, December 04, 2006