Wednesday, August 09, 2006

DMB tonight

Thanks to Jack DiGiovanna from the Team Florida list serve, I was able to get a couple of tickets to tonights Dave Matthews Band concert at the Ford Amphitheatre in Tampa. This is going to be the sixth or seventh time seeing the good ol' DMB live in action. Should be fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have fun with that Paul.

This excerpt from is awesome and had to be posted:

"Anybody who thinks Landis is innocent is very naive and living in a fairy tale world. Anybody who thinks Lance was innocent, well the same goes. Anybody who thinks there are more than a hand full of "clean" pro riders in Europe (or here) is fooling themselves.

Why do you think some of the big names had such shitty time trials at the tour? Could it be because they weren't traveling with their usual medications? They were scared off by the Spanish drug busts and now they can barely ride out of their driveways.

They are all great athletes, but they are all playing on the same field, because they all dope.

It, sadly, is the nature of the sport. The only human way these guys can survive a season that starts in January and ends in October is with pharmaceuticals. It’s hard to blame them when they are supporting wives and kids.

Quit blasting the euro investigations. If the U.S. ever truly investigated the NFL or Baseball the way the euros do, there wouldn't be anything on TV here for a long time.

So quit living through your Armstrong & Hincapie idols, get on your bike and ride; be your own idol.

- B.Whitehead"

Full story here -