Thursday, January 12, 2006

Catch up...

I'm aware that the ole Blog has been somewhat dormant for the past couple of weeks. So I will now catch up with all the stuff I should have blogged about since my last posting:

- It got cold, then warmed up, then got cold again. Then it got warmer, rained and then got cold again. Now it's on the warmer side.
- Rides out at the Progress Park have gone on every Tue/Thur.
- Jayson and Scott are the current leaders of the "Iron Man Award"
- The Progress Park rides have been getting faster, with more interval, I mean "wintervals"
- Happy new Year
- There were lots of rides during the holiday break, some of which I attended...others I was unable to make. Some were fast and others weren't. Some started slow but got faster.
- There was a post-ride lunch at Neros on one of the days I had to work
- Scott Pfaff has recently been named as a new board member of the GCC
- Scott makes the A-riders proud!
- This weekend is the Tour de Felasco. I'm not looking forward to sitting on my mountain bike for 6+ hours.
- At least the weather is supposed to be nice this weekend.
- We now park on the back side of the Progress Park loop on Tue/Thurs. Why?...I think it's because there was a report of somebody deficating in the parking lot, but I'm not sure about that one.
- Jayson got another bike (side note: I'm still riding my Ridley)
- There a new U.S. Pro Continental team being formed for the 2006 season. The United Pro Cycling Team, who'd director is Frankie Andreu, has pulled top riders from many top US teams and looks to be a contender for the best domestic team this year.
- I may have missed a bunch of stuff, but at least you have something more current to comment on.


Anonymous said...

By looking at Frankie's smile, we can all tell where your right hand is at bee-atch ....

Anonymous said...

For those of you who didn't know, today is Jayson's 35th birthday. I would like to see who would like to pitch in a couple of bucks to buy him a present. Apparently he's been talking a lot lately about a book he wants from

Check it out ...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous..I can tell by your knowledge on the subject you know what's it like to have a fist up your bum.

Ninja: I thought the author of a book always got at least one copy free, maybe Jayson got some other kind of perk :-)


5count said...

Happy birthday to you-
Happy birthday to you-
Happy birthday to Jayson-
Happy birthday to you!

Anonymous said...

yo p mess or scott,
when does tour de felasco start.
i am supposed to course marshall but haven't gotten e-mails from the lady.

5count said...

I've been told that riders will be able to go off at 7am. I can assure you that I won't be one of those riders.

Anonymous said...

Course marshalls need to be there by 7:00 am to hit the course. I would get there a little early, there is usually some confusion early in the morning.
