Monday, May 21, 2007

National Ride-Your-Bike-to-Work-Day

So last week was "National ride your bike to work Week" and Friday was the "National ride your bike to work day". I'm not a regular commuter (mostly due to my overly active sweat glands), but I figured I'd try to do my part on friday and ride into work.

Now, in order for me to make it to my office by 8:00am on a regular day, I need to leave my house by 7:30am. This gives me enough time to slug my way through traffic, park in the parking garage and trek the 5-7 min walk from garage to office. Friday, I departed on my bike from my house at 7:47am and arrived at the front door to my building at 7:58am! That would be enough reason to sell my car and bike-commute til I retire...If only it weren't for the 30 minutes of cool down/sponge bath/deo application/changing clothes/and more cool down that followed, only to have that "not so fresh" feeling all day.

I still enjoyed being on the bike early in the morning before I was to plant myself in front of a computer for the next 8 hours. I also enjoyed the thought that once the whistle blew at the end of the day, I'd be once again atop my trusty steed, racing towards home without the delays of traffic slowing me down.

Five o'clock came and I was anxious to see how much quicker my ride home would be via bicycle VS. via the automobile. I flew up the right side of the road as dozens upon dozens of cars lined up at traffic light after traffic light. All of the city's "nine-to-five'n slaves" fighting to get home and start their weekend while I effortlessly raced by them all.

About halfway home, sounds of hissing air began to permiate the exhaust-drenched air. Even the roar of city busses and idleing vehicles couldn't mask what was sure to be a deflating tire. So there I was on the side of the road fixing my flat while my competition rolled by me, my record-setting time dashed by a 2-penny nail.

In the end I made it home safe and sound about 2 minutes quicker than I normally get home in the car...Oh but what could've been. It was still fun to be on the bike instead of behind the wheel and I'll probably venture out into the world of bike-commuters periodically in the future despite flat tires and over active sweat glands.


Anonymous said...

Gainesville traffic ? You are kiddin' right ??

Anonymous said...

Rodrigo has you there:-) If anybody knows about traffic now it's Rodrigo.

Hey Rodrigo,

How's it going up there in the big city? Have you been able to find a group to ride with? We miss you on the rides down here!


5count said...

New Jersey traffic - It's all relative man...

Scott - you have no place to talk at live out in the country and work just a few miles away. You're more likely to encounter a slow-moving farm tractor than actual traffic on your way to work!

Anonymous said...

Hey guys. Haven't had a chance to ride at all since we moved in. I stopped by the LBS and apparently they have a shop ride Tuesdays, Saturdays and Sundays, normally 5-10 guys. I doubt I can make it on Tuesdays back home before the ride starts at 6 (my current commute is anywhere between 1:15 hrs (good day)and 2:30 hrs (accidents or bad traffic) each way. At least I am going to the gym at lunch for 45 minutes to run or lift light weights. We have summer flex hours at work, so I will be able to ride some during the summer, and after that I guess it will be cross country skiing/snow boarding.
Miss you guys, take care !