Friday, November 04, 2005

Tues/Thur Rides Live On!

Those of you who benefitted from the tues/thurs rides this year will be happy to know that though it may be dark out at 6:00pm, we're still ridin'!

Our ride location has changed to Progress Park off of Hwy 441 in Alachua. We meet at about 6:00pm and ride the 1.16 mile loop around the picturesque corporate park. If you can't make it until 6:15 or what?...all we're doin is going around in a circle so just catch us on our next loop.

With the first week of Progress Park riding behind us, we've managed to put in more miles than we were during day light savings time. Tuesday the group logged 37 miles and we put in just over 40 miles on Thursday.

I know that going around in a circle for 2 hours sounds repetetive and boring, but the social conversation makes the time fly. We've been keeping the pace at a brisk, but comfortable 20 mph.

The more people we have come out, the more enjoyable it will be for everyone. The park is relatively traffic free but bring some basic lights so the random car or truck is alerted to our presence. As the above map illustrates, we meet in the parking lot of the big glass building right out in front (the 441 side). We've been riding the loop in a clockwise direction, but we may get crazy later in the winter and do the loop backwards!

Thus far, Scott P., Doug F., Leslie F., Jayson O., Paul M., and Rodrigo S. have been the only motivated cyclists to take advantage of the training. All levels are welcome cause..."Yer never more than .508 miles behind (or ahead) of the group"

In other news:
• Aussy cyclist, Matt White, formerly of the French Cofidis team, has been signed to a 12 month contract with the Discovery Channel cycling team...Jayson will be happy about that.

• The Tour de Felasco is coming up in January and has already met the rider limit of 400. I'm registered and looking forward to doing 50+ miles of fat-tire cross-training. Let me know if you're planning on riding it at a fun, easy-going pace and we can meet up at the start. I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to some yummy vegitarian chili at the lunch stop, mmm, mmm, mmm!

• There is going to be another pro stage race in the U.S.. The Tour of California will be held in February consisting of 9 stages.

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