In a
recent post I told you about the minor crash on our last training ride out at Progress Park. I've just gotten a follow-up on how Doug is doing. The image below illustrates just how bad crashing sucks. I must admit, Doug's bruising is way worse than I thought it'd be...I guess when you're over 50, the blood doesn't circulate quite as well huh Doug?
***Editors Note: the following image is not meant for the weak of stomach. The contents of the following image have been blurred for your protection, if still interested in seeing the bruise in it's full glory click on the image for an un-obscured view. Warning proceed at your own risk!
On a way more serious note, one of America's most talented young pro-cyclists in currently in a coma resulting from a crash in the final kilometers of the opening stage of the Circuit de la Sarthe. Saul Raisin is listed in serious condition in a hospital in France. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Saul and his family
That was a seriously nasty stage for crashes. Juan Carlos Dominguez, Tyler Farrar and Brett Lancaster all hit the deck and have collar bone injuries. Lancasters's break is pretty serious; his clavicle is broken in four places and needs a custom piece of metal for the surgery.
Saul is without a doubt the worse off and I hope his recovery is speedy.
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