Friday, July 01, 2005

Tour Starts Tomorrow!

The 2005 Tour de France starts tomorrow! I've got my digital video recorder (DVR) programmed to record all of the live stages; my fantasy Tour teams are set up and ready to go and I've read just about all of the pre-tour talk on the internet.
I'll be at the Prologue Party to benefit the Lance Armstrong Foundation tonight at the Orthapedic and Sports Medicine Institute. If you're planning on attending, search me out and we can talk turkey. I'll be the guy covered in yellow body paint dressed in nothing but an American flag yelling, "viva la Lance!". No, not really...but I may have a yellow shirt on.

I hope ya'll have taken the same pre-tour measures as I have. Check back often throughout the tour to read my take on stages, riders and how the race is developing overall. Make comments about your views on the race or how you think I'm an idiot.
I'm looking forward to a great race!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Paul, I'm looking forward to a great race too. Just thought I'd be the first to case you were wondering the point of my comment.

See ya, Pete