Friday, March 03, 2006

Poll Results

The first ever 5count poll has officially come to an end. The question for the poll was, "What team in the Tour of California has the best looking kit?" The votes poured in (all 20 of them (2 of those were mine)) and have been counted. For those unobservant readers of 5count, the polls are always located in the sidebar to your left (no Jayson, your other left), underneath the list of links. You may have to scroll down a bit, but you can do it.

And the winner is...
Davitamon Lotto from Belgium! I'm sure Lambert (Lam • bare) will be proud. The Davitamon Lotto team received 30% of the votes and now and forever be known to have the best looking kit from the inaugural ToC. The voting breakdown is as follows:

Davitamon Lotto - 6 votes
TIAA-Cref - 4 votes
KB Homes/Mexican Nat'l team - 3 votes (all coming from Rodrigo no doubt)
Phonak - 2 votes
Gerolstiener - 1 vote
T-Mobile - 1 vote (had to be Danny, cause these are the ugliest things in any peloton)
Team CSC - 1 vote
Jelly Belly - 1 vote
Sierra Nevada/Kodak Gallery - 1 vote

*receiving no votes were: Discovery, United Pro, Health Net, Saunier Duval, Navigators, Credit Agricole and Colavita.

New Poll is now Posted
Be sure to let your voice be heard. Let us know who you think will win the '06 Tour de France. We'll probably leave this one up for a while to see if there is any shift once the TdF draws closer.
Vote as many times as you wish *limit one vote per day


Anonymous said...

The other two votes for the KB Homes/Mexican Nat'l team were not Rodrigo's. Those mexican colors are just way too awsome...

Anonymous said...

Coincidently, the team with the best looking jersey also has the best looking bicycles!

Anonymous said...

And the team with the ugly jerseys has the best looking riders.
