Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Last night's ride...

It was another cold one out at the "Arctic ellipse". There was a good showing with over ten cyclists who came out for some winter training. Though multiple layers were imperative, the usual banter carried us through two hours of riding without too much discomfort.

The speeds are beginning to increase as the upcoming season fast approaches. We worked in a few intervals last night which broke the group up a bit, but that's the beauty of riding in a circle, eventually everyone joins back up. I'm sure there will be a faster pace for the remaining rides...especially if Scott and Danny have anything to say about it.

It was great to see Joe Brew out last night. He's home from college for the winter break and we look forward to him torturing us until January 15th when he'll return to school. There was a report of another Joe Brew sighting early this morning on the North side of Gainesville. He was spotted at 7am running...what he was running from has yet to be revealed...stay tuned to 5count for more details as they become available.

I think I coined a new phrase last night. In light of the cold weather and the increase in speed on our rides, I referred to our intervals as "Wintervals". There may be the possibility that that term has already been discovered, but until it left my mouth last night, I'd never heard it before. I was quite impressed with my witty terminology, however, I don't think that my riding partners were as smitten with my new buzz-word. I'm sure that it'll grow on them as I plan to use it repeatedly over the coming weeks.

I also attempted to provide a little background training music last night. I recently received small, portable external speakers for my ipod and I brought them with me to the ride. Unfortunately, the volume of the speakers couldn't compete with the volume of the wind whipping past my ears. I was never able to hear a single song as the "sound system" was stored in my rear jersey pockets. Only the cyclist directly behind me was able to enjoy my musical selections although it was reported that the sound quality wasn't even at an acceptable level. Hey, I tried...

Jayson O'Mahoney claimed his PowerGel prize last night as he was the winner of the "Quote of the Day" trivia. Stay tuned to 5count for more such trivia in the future. Jayson has also informed us that his new "time-machine" is fully operational and ready for a crack at the cemetery TT in January. Unfortunately for him (and me) we'll be riding a different type of bike that day, one with fat tires and a triple-chainring...and instead of riding on smoothly paved roads, we'll be riding over rocks, roots, sand and dirt...instead of going as fast as you can for 15-20 minutes, we'll be slogging through the San Felasco State Preserve for 5-6 hours.
(*Editors note: Although Jayson wears a Health Net skin suit and has a Team Health Net TT bike, he has no actual affiliation with the Health Net organization)

And now for trivia...
The winner of this edition of Trivia will receive a recent issue of Bicycling Magazine, packed full of training, diet, mechanical and raceing tips!

Q: What is the title of this blog, 5count, derived from?

...and now I'll Leave you with...The Quote of the Post
"...take yesterday for example. We were out at the olive garden for dinner, which was lovely. I happened to look over, at a certain point during the meal, to see a waitress taking an order, and I found myself wondering what color her underpants might be, her panties. Odds are they were basic white cotton underpants, but I started thinking maybe they are silk panties, maybe it's a thong, maybe it's something really cool I don't even know about..."
-what movie is this from, anybody know???


Anonymous said...

OOOOHHHH...OOOOHHHH, I now this one! It has to do with Bartending and how Hard liquor is dispensed into mixed drinks. You count 1,2,3,4,5... to determine the strength of the drink.


Anonymous said...


Sweeeeeeet bike, can't wait to see it on the road!

"I'm so jealous"

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Scott. You just won one of Paul's bathroom copies of Bicycling Magazine :)

No follow up posts about the pages being stuck together please.

Anonymous said...

Scott, the bike was formerly "owned" (borrowed) by Greg Henderson of HealthNet (for about 4 rides), so it has at least been ridden by someone fast. If you get bored, dig up the photos of him at the Tour de Georgia at the TT from cyclingnews.

Anonymous said...

I know I mispelled "know".

Paul please tell me it isn't so! I never would have answered if I knew it was "that" used :-)

I'll remember who's fast the next time we do intervals and I'm dying on your wheel!

Scott "Rubber Gloves" Pfaff

Anonymous said...

Dated 11/282001... 2nd post down... :)


Anonymous said...

Old School - Will Ferrell(too easy)

5count said...

Scott- Congratulations, you win a MINT CONDITION issue of Bicycling Magazine for getting the trivia question correct. (While free-pouring liquor, one "count" should be equal to a .25oz, a standard drink contains 1.25oz of liquor, therefore, a "5count" is a free-pouring bartenders standard pour)

Jayson- I call bull-shit on the Greg Henderson thing, I want that statement corroborated with serial numbers and photo evidence!

cuttingthroughthecrap (?danny?)- Thanks for raining on my parade dude. Deep down in places I don't like to talk about I knew that somebody had probably uttered that beautiful word before...but to me, it was brand new and I love that word, I'm still going to cherish that word, I may even wrap it up, put it under the Christmas tree and give it to family members for the holidays! Just because some runner from up north used it in an email in 2001, that doesn't mean that (1) I wasn't the South East regional originator, and (2) That we, here in G-ville, can't enjoy it just as those in the north have been doing since 2001.

Mexican Ninja- Very good call on the Old School. One of my favorite movies of all time...maybe you and Scott can share the Bicycling Magazine while cuddling in front of a toasty fire this holiday season...but that's between the two of you.

Anonymous said...

Paul, you're killing me :) Don't be hatin' my cool formerly ridden and blessed by Greg Henderson TT bike. Check out his name on the frame when you see it... and the sticker isn't even fake!!! Promise!!!