Friday, December 09, 2005

Then there were Two???

I have been informed that the race for the "Ironman Award" has been whittled down to just 2 guys, and I am not one of those two.

For those of you who don't know, there has been an informal competition amongst the cyclists who frequent the Tues/Thurs night rides out at the Progress Park. The "Ironman Award" will go to the rider who doesn't miss any rides or he who misses the least amount of rides. Until thursday, there had been a 3-way tie between Jayson O'Mahoney, Scott Pfaff and Myself. Due to inclimate weather, visiting parents and what I thought was a joint agreement to NOT ride if things were wet, I abstained from driving out to the ride. Unfortunatly for me, my other two competitors reniged on thier original plan and rode anyway thus dropping me into sole possesion of 3rd place in the "Ironman" race.

Even though the above mentioned Jayson called me just one hour prior to ride time and assured me that he was not going to participate in the ride either...I still find myself out of contention (unless of course the other two miss a ride in the future). As for Scott...all I can say is that it must be nice to work just 60 seconds away from Progress Park. If I had to pass by Progress Park on my way home from work every day and I had my bike in the back of my truck everyday, I bet I'd be a lot more likely to "pop in for a ride". For those of us who travel great distances to get out to Alachua just to get some miles in...I think that we are all truly "Ironmen"!

In other news...
Team Health Net has discontinued it's use of Giant bicycles. So all the Team Health Net bikes that Jayson has recently bought, are now officially outdated!
Health Net has now joined up with Cannondale and will be riding six13's this coming season. This means that Rodrigo can now fully outfit himself with Health Net gear. Lampre has now switched over to riding Willier bikes and will no longer ride Cannondale...this means that all the Lampre stuff that Rodrigo has been collecting is also now outdated.

...In related news...I'm still riding the Ridley!

I'm sure that this post will ilicit some rebuttles, so let's hear 'em.
***note: editorial staff maintains the right to erase, delete, or edit any and all responses posted on the 5count Blog. Any objections to this clause can be voiced to our customer service department.


Anonymous said...


If it's any consolation, the reason I felt it necessary to say something today about last nights ride was because I too will find myself missing a ride next Tuesday. I have to attend my son's Xmas pagent at school, so make some room on the bench for me. As for that Australian character, and his dirty trick to make you miss the ride. I think I see some kind of aerobic workout with one of his parents lurking in the wings :-)

Hope to see you at one of the rides this weekend.



woof woof, just because you have my cell # now don't think I'm fallin' for any of those dirty bike tricks!

Anonymous said...

Well, good thing I bought the team edition frameset with the exception of the lampre logo eh! As far as the 3 lampre /cannondale kits I have recently chased and bought, they still are more up to date than my very worn out Saeco bibs ! See ya tomorrow...

Anonymous said...

Can someone please Fedex a box of Kleenex to Paul's house?

Anonymous said...

My coke can and I do just fine, thank you very much. So you can take your carbon fiber or titanium savings account killer and watch me win the sprint.

Anonymous said...

He wins the sprint... in Cat 5

Anonymous said...

Better to win the sprint in a Cat 5 than get dropped in a Cat 3.

5count said...

Wether cat. 5, cat. 3, cat. 1 or the weekend ride for that ALWAYS feels good to cross the line first. But my rebuttle wasn't about was just about defending my trusty aluminum stead, "Ridley"........"hi-ho and away!"