Monday, December 12, 2005

This and That...

first off...
I love all the "banter" that goes on in this blog. The responses to posts and the responses to responses, all make writing and reading this blog fun! I hope that people who may be new to reading the 5count blog understand that 95% of the "trash-talk" that goes on is completely harmless and understood to be in fun. Most of the readers who take part are guys who know each other and know the temperament with which certain comments are made. I encourage EVERYONE to respond in whatever way they would like to...We all enjoy having stuff, that is relevant to ourselves or our interests, to read.

With that being said...
Whoever called my bike a coke can, make thyself be known!

Weekend in riding...
Saturday's GCC ride was well attended and the weather was gorgeous as well! In short, we ended up with 17 cyclists in the "A-group" after the rest stop and we motored back home quickly. The "race-tactics" disrupted the flow from time to time, but we all managed to get our heart rates up in the process. Jayson gets the most aggressive rider award for the day due to his multiple attacks and counter-attacks...and counter-counter-attacks, well done.

I didn't attend any group ride on sunday. My services were spent putting up a Christmas tree, decorating said tree and just getting into the all-around Christmas spirit with my Wife, Jen. I know that many of you were planning on doing the 4-4.5 hour ride with Team Florida, and others probably were loyal to the GCC south ride. Maybe our readers can chime in with reports of those rides.

Check this out...
I read an interview with Lance Armstrong this morning on Velonews. It's a two parter so link to part one first. Lance is pretty open with the journalist in the interview, he talks about everything from the early days to Johan to drugs to retirement.

In part 2 of the interview, Lance talks about cycling fans and what types of fans there are (in America and in Europe). He talks about what type of fans he thinks we need here in the U.S.. I'll let you read it and get a better idea of what I'm talking about here...but it got me thinking about what type of cycling fan I am.

In terms of what I like reading about in a cycling magazine...If I had a choice between reading about who has been recently accused of using EPO...OR...reading a bio of a pro cyclist, I'd take the bio every time! I don't know about you guys, but I'm sick of hearing about who's doping, who's not, who's battling accusations in court and who's being banned for two years. I want to know what was said on the team bus before the start of big race; I want to know about team tactics and how they played out; I want to know what was going through the pro's head while he was burying himself trying to get across a gap to the leaders.

My recent issue of Bicycling magazine is chocked-full of info, but that magazine has too much info about everything BUT racing. I'm not putting Bicycling magazine down, I still feel that they fill a need; but as far as my interests go, "How to Make Home-Made Powerbars that will get you to the Top Faster" isn't what I'm going to spend my limited free-time reading.

This is just MY commentary of the type of fan I about you?...


Anonymous said...

Is this the picture I can expect to get in my Christmas card?

Sunday's ride was very low key 65 miles of tempo riding, only 4 of us went long. The rest of the group had other holiday obligations. The weather was not nearly as nice as Saturday, it actually was warmer at the start of the ride then at the end! The ONLY good thing was that it did not rain.

I always thought of your bike as being more on the Fresca side of things ;-) (boy I hope i'm not showing my age by referencing that soda).

See ya Thursday

Yes I know I'm missing Tuesday's ride

Anonymous said...

The trusty steed Ridley reminds me more of Diet Vanilla Coke...

5count said...

I'm thinking if he had to be a about a can of JOLT cola!

5count said...

While I'm at it...
Scott, maybe your stead would be a can of Shasta
Danny, yours could be a can of Tab.

You'd think Jayson's would be a can of Fosters, but I'm guessing it'd be more like Busch Lite!

Anonymous said...

My bike is like a can of whip ass.

Refer to last Saturday.

Woof Woof!

PS Sunday's Team FL ride consisted of about 25 riders. We trundled along in the cold and suffered numerous flat tyres in the beginning :( However, we got in about 4 1/2 hours including an hour of rotation. Sweet ride.

Anonymous said...

The more I think about it the more I think my bike is a Fanta can. You know..Do you wanta Fanta, Fanta..Fanta, Fanata. Then I could have a whole cadre of Fanta girls as a support team :-)

Anonymous said...

You know me, I'm just a wanna be. I'm afraid if I got a real bike I wouldn't have an excuse for getting blown out the back :-) I'm sorry I missed last nights ride it looked like you guys had a good turn out.

See you Thursday

Anonymous said...

unlike you guys venturing out on to the road over the weekend, some of us decided to get all muddy at razorback in reddick for the last mtb race of the year. it was wet, slippery, and on occasion a bit dangerous. those that know reddick, though, know it can be worse. good times were had by all.
p.s. no need to have a "bad weather" frame, when your usual steed is ti.