Thursday, December 22, 2005

Seasons Greetings

Seasons Greetings to all of the 5count readers around the world!


Anonymous said...

Happy holidays to the two of you as well.

I told you I don't post anonymous so the Wintervals flame wasn't me. It's some chicken poster who doesn't stand by what he/she writes. Google has 29 hits to the term, but I had never heard it and thought it was pretty original.

See you guys tonight. Should be mid 40s


Anonymous said...

Pfaff 19-20 mph Friday morning....what's the point of that? Sounds like gay-ness to me. Not that there is anything wrong with that as you all routinely prove. What's it like when you do Jayson in the skin suit?

Anonymous said...

Mr / Ms Anon (aka gutless wonder), ho ho ho, you need to try harder than that to offend me.

I'm not going to sink to your level and ruin the theme of Paul's blog. If you're such a talent, I hope to see you at the training races and beyond.

Anonymous said...

Good One "no wonder" I almost shed a tear with that one :-( Maybe you will come out tonight and show us your cycling prowess?

I will try to keep this post in the spririt it was started.

Merry christmas to all of the "True" 5count readers!

5count said...

It's one thing to leave an anonymous comment when you're being cordial...but to write an unprovoked slam like that and not identify yourself is just cowardly.
In the future, all 5count readers who leave comments (and I encourage you all to) should identify themselves so as to avoid any confusion. Especially if you have issue with someone or something.

Merry Christmas!
5count content managment staff

Anonymous said...

p mess: it is good to see that you are riding the felasco 50 (i like that term better than tour de felasco). i didn't get my paperwork in early enough, but i am volunteering as a course marshall, so i will see you out there.
next week, if anyone wants to ride, leave a pos on day and times, i look forward to riding with you guys, though i amy be a bit slower since i haven't ventured out to the arctic ellipse. in february there is a road race down in san antonio, it looks like a hilly course. it's the same weekend as the 12 hours of reddick, so i don't know if i'll be able to do it. would like to catch some races with some gcc folks.

Anonymous said...

Paul, thanks for all the entertainment and the wonderful times you have given me this past year on the bike and on this blog, and keeping me motivated throughout the winter. You do good community service. Sorry for giving you a hard time about your French. I was kidding trying my best to be funny, but it doesn't always come over that way posting on a blog.I have had sleepless nights posting like a coward as the Big B. So there you go. I am out of the closet. Let's hope "no wonder" does the same and apologizes to you guys, otherwise I will have to send the Belgian mafia after her. Merry Christmas

Anonymous said...

Hey Paul,

Start another topic about this weeks Tues. Thurs. ride, we have a FANTASTIC story about last nights ride(it has to do with girls gone wild)!
