Friday, August 26, 2005

I didn't ride, so now what?

I heard that there was lightning is Ft. Lauderdale, so I thought it'd be best if I didn't ride thursday. (ha)

I'll tell ya what...

The thursday night ride aside, there have been some news stories that I'll comment on. There have been a lot of comments on the previous post, some of them have dealt with the Armstrong-EPO acusations.

First off, let me just say that I'm SICK of all the doping talk! Not just cycling but baseball, football, olympics, whatever. I just don't care anymore...sure I'd like to be able to know that every athlete in the world in playing fairly, but that's just not the case. It's gotten to the point that doping allegations are the #1 sports stories. Case in point:

Once the Armstrong allegations came out earlier this week, that became top story. Sure, it should be mentioned...but I don't think it should take precedence over news stories such as Levi Leipheimer winning the Tour of Germany. Sports Center never even mentioned it! Even on cycling related web sites, the doping issues are the lead story and you have to search to find out that Levi just popped a cap in the ass of the ToG!

I hate the fact that the media is consumed with the negatives of sport so much. I hate that every sports channel that I watch is talking about EPO, steroids, doping, perormance enhancement. I just want to hear who won last nights baseball game, or how many yards Leftwich threw for last night.

Thank god for the Little League World Series. A bunch of kids out playing a game they love. No cheating, no doping contraversy, just throwing, catching and hitting....the basics!

...and by the way, I still tink Armstrong is a bad ass cyclist!

Now that I got that off of my chest...
Here is an Ulrich propaganda chart that was sent to me pertaining to the past 7 TdF's. If your not interested in being subjected to more anti-Armstrong rhetoric...DON'T click here.
By the way...I know it's in German so I'll translate for you... it says, "Ulrich just placed second to ANOTHER American"..."and this time it was on his home turf"
***the editorial staff would like to point out that this is not a direct translation

Ask Dr. Mike
I know that some of the viewers aren't privy to the Team Florida (UF's cycling team) listserv. Recently there were a few emails that went back and forth about cycling and how it relates to overweight folks. It was a lot more involved than how I just explained it, but that was the jist of things. Anyway, I wanted to copy the banter between two of the "post-ers" so you could read it for yourself. One of the "post-ers" is Mike Robinson, who frequents the GCC rides...I found it entertaining how Mike was just trying to make a basic statement about burning calories and another Dr. responded with a very academic and long-winded rebuttle. Then Mike countered with his own academic response. Arguing Doctors are funny!

by the way, the emails start at the bottom in order for them to make sense, read the bottom email first.
I've made this available in PDF format. Since this is new to 5count, I hope you have Acrobat reader...if you don't, get with it, it's 2005.
Get the PDF


Anonymous said...

you can judge the popularity of james thompson by the number of people who show up to his rides.

if you want a good laugh, dig up his post to the team fl listserve about countersteering... it is most amusing.

5count said...

Those counter steering emails were annoying. They went on and on and on and on...

Thank god Ryan Saylor finally put an end to it all by saying something like..."go fast, don't fall, and stop sending all these emails about counter steering!"

I got a kick out of that!