Friday, August 19, 2005

A potpourri of things...

In regards to Levi's wife

There were a few comments about Levi Leipheimer's wife, Odessa, in yesterdays post. Yeah she's a good looking girl, and yes that's a great catch for a short, skinny, bald man...But she isn't even half as hot as Ivan Basso's sister. And the way she totes her two little "rat-like" dogs around all dressed up leads me to think she's one of those wacky high-maintenance chicks, like Paris Hilton without as much money. I'm not that intrigued with Odessa, and what kind of name is Odessa anyway?

Here's something odd

Check out the link below. It's a homepage for the 2008 presidential campaign of Christopher Walken. Most of you will remember Walken from his roles in movies such as; Pulp Fiction, Joe Dirt, Catch Me if you Can, The Rundown, Kangaroo Jack, Gigli, Wayne's World 2 and Biloxi Blues, just to name a few of the 96 major motion pictures he has apperared in since 1953. None of you probably know him due to his staunch political stand on issues such as; stem cell research, abortion, finance reform or war. None-the-less, this web site appears to have a serious tone to it. I spent a little time perusing the site, always anticipating a punch-line...but no punch-line ever came. Is it a hoax, or can Christopher Walken actually be serious about running for president???

Thursday night's ride

We varied from our normal route last night in order to avoid some inclimate weather. The alternate route took us home on a flat 121 as opposed to the hilly 241 option.

All in all, a nice ride...we had planned on sprinting to the intersection just before the light at 441, but the intersection had traffic and a red light. Safety prevailed and the sprint never came to fruition, however, the lead out was sick with Danny and then Anthony pulling at 32 mph for the last mile or so. Anthony did mention how good he was feeling and had hoped for our normal route so he could attack on every climb. This makes me happy in our decision to avoid the rain and come home fast and flat.

The route was slightly shorter, but with Danny flatting...things worked out perfectly. I would like to thank myself for proposing the alternate route idea...I'm a genious!

The funniest thing on the ride...was when Scott made an attempt at comedy with a reference to some old movie (the actual reference escapes me at the moment, that's how unfunny it was), but then Ira made the Saturday Night Live reference about Chris Farley as his "El Nino" character:
"I am El Nino! All other tropical storms must bow before El Nino! Yo soy El Nino! For those of you who don't "habla Espanol", El Nino is Spanish for... THE Nino!

Here's one more quote that I think is very you know what movie this is from...?
"Well, um, actually a pretty nice little Saturday, we're going to go to Home Depot. Yeah, buy some wallpaper, maybe get some flooring, stuff like that. Maybe Bed, Bath, & Beyond, I don't know, I don't know if we'll have enough time."

here's a hint


Anonymous said...

I am truly hurt that you did not find my "In living Color" televison show reference hilarious, as I remeber EVERYONE was finding it hard to ride because they were doubled over in laughter. :-) I will probably find it hard to ride this weekend knowing you couldn't even remember the reference (shaky camera..French term for genre).

According to Snopes the Walken for President campaign is a hoaxe. I liked the statement on the bottom of the contact page that said something like "we are unable to reply to messages due to the volume..."

p.s. I hate to say it but you made the right call last night by steering us away from Alachua, my wife said they had to cancel my son's football practice due to lightning. See ya Sunday!

Anonymous said...

You My Boy Blue!

That would be a qoute from "Old School"

5count said...

Lightning storms huh? You can all thank me for saving your lives via personal friends call me Cash

5count said...

Brent Ferraro got it right..Old School was the mystery quote I eluded to at the end of the post.

Anonymous said...

Thats what I'm talkin' about!

What do I win?

Anonymous said...

Should I be jealous about Elisa Basso? You speak a little too highly of her!! :-)

Anonymous said...

As for the Walken For Pres. thing, I found this on Google News...

Seatle times article

5count said...

Brent-you win the satisfaction of knowing you won...and a life's supply of pickled pigs feet (contact me personally to claim your prize.

Jen-you have nothing to worry about...Elisa means nothing to me. Butthis chick is someone you should keep an eye on!

Anonymous said...

There went my lunch!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

nice to see lots of posts!
dammit paul, but if you had posted that question around 3 am instead of 10 am, "earmuffs," i might have stood a f%@kin' chance to answer it first. by the way, love the el nino picture.
i've heard basso's sister is hot, how about a pic somewhere.
other basso tid-bit. my parents are friends with the owner of an italian restaurant in tampa (villaggio's). he is from italy. half his family also works there and his brother-in-law is a huge cycling fan. we were talking right after the giro and he tells me in his broken english that he was stunned last year when he saw basso in the tour because he grew up with him. his point was basically, here's this kid who was a goofy, skinny pip-squeak and now he is at the top of his sport.
by the way - "that's what i'm talkin' about" is what jerry stiller's character in zoolander yells when he squeezes off a drop of pee because he has "a prostate the size of a honeydew and head full of bad memories."

as far as walken for prez, read those "quotes" with walken's voice in your head, i laughed like hell.

you're so money

5count said...

I already went through the hastle of gathering some images of Elisa Basso. You can link to her photos by clicking on "Ivan Basso's sister" in the post.

Maybe you're new to the world wide web, so I'll explain a some basics:
•Anytime you see a word/words in the text that has an underline or the text is in a different color, chances are if you click on those words you'll link to something.

Anthony, do you have White-out all over you computer monitor too?